Building hope for Ukraine: 15 inspiring projects from Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps

These project examples, presented in a new publication, show how the two programmes have had a tangible and positive influence on the lives of people affected by the war in Ukraine – and how this might inspire other projects.

Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps can play an essential role in supporting individuals and communities facing unprecedented challenges, particularly those affected by the war in Ukraine.

Among other benefits, such as enabling students to complete their studies interrupted by the war, they encourage incoming learning mobility, empower people with new skills, fight against disinformation, and promote the integration of refugees.

A new publication delves into real-life stories from 15 completed and ongoing projects supported under these two programmes.

These 15 projects not only provide education and training opportunities and address societal challenges, but also create a meaningful and lasting impact on people affected by the war in Ukraine.

They reveal how education, cooperation and solidarity can make a difference and help to transform lives for the better.

Download the publication from the Publications Office

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